Message from President

Our common goal is to bring our company into development process, and to keep this development sustainable even we are in uncertain global economy and rapidly changing business circumstances.

Ceramic has gained an industriel aspect in a very recent past, in the mid 20’s. Being a very young industry reveals that the equilibrium has not been reached yet and the parameters tend to be changing. Up to now Usak Seramik has made a great progress and succeeded to be one of the soaring-up companies in its industry.

Usak Seramik, which is able to deliver its products to 36 countries, has been raising its competitive power through production capacity, technological investment and high quality. At this point, we must attacha great deal of importance to scientific and technological works, research and develelopment. And we must take industry-university cooperation to higher points.

The vision of Usak Seramic Inc. Strategical Paper and Course of Action is to raise the image of Usak Seramik and to raise its global market share. In accordance with this vision, two targets have been determined: To raise quality and productiveness; to keep and enhance present competitive circumstances both in domestic and international markets. Usak Seramik Inc. have been analysed, strenghts and weaknesses have revealed in regard to latest developments in our country and in the world. The courses determined on the Strategical Paper will help to take optimal benefit from the advantages that we have, to strenghten the weak spots and to turn the threats into opportunity.