Ethical, Moral and Main Values

Ethical, Moral and Main Values

1. Business Ethics

A. Honesty

Honesty and trueness are our prior values in all our work processes and relationships. In our all realionships with the employees and shareholders, we always behave with this manner.

B. Privacy

We pay a strict attention to preserve the privacy of our customers’, employees’ and those who we are in relationship. We keep reserved the confidential information regarding our business activities and we only share these information with related personell within a certain frame.

C. Conflict of interest

As the personell of Usak Seramik, we aim to keep away from any conflict of interest.

D.Our Responsibilities

1. Legal Responsibilities

We carry all our activities out in accordance with Turkish Republic and international laws. We present all required information to all regutor authorities complete, accurate and understandable.

2. Responsibilities Against Customers

We work customer satisfaction oriented and with a proactive manner to satisfy them by fulfilling their needs accurately and in time.

3. Responsibilities Against Our Employees

we encourage our employees to use their personal rights. We treat them honestly and fair and we guarantee a nondiscriminatory, safe and healthy working environment.

4. Responsibilities Against Our Partners

We prioratise Usak Seramik’s continuous presence and in accordance with our aim, that is generating value to our partners, we avoid taking unnecessary and unmanageable risks.

5. Responsibilities Against Our Suppliers/Business Partners

As it is expected from a good customer, we treat them respectfully and fair. Furthermore, we give our best attention to meet our liabilities and we keep reserved the privacies of our business partners, those individuals and organizations that we work with.

6. Responsibilities Against Our Competitors

We only compete in ethical and legal basis.

7. Responsibilities Against the Public and Human Being

We attach a great deal of importance to protect the environment, to extinguish the crime and corruption, education and charity.

8. Our Responsibility Against the Name of "Usak Seramik”

We are trusted due to our professional profeciency and honesty by our partners, customers and all other stakeholders. We always put our best effort to keep this reputation in the top level.


A. Policies Against Conflict of Interest

It is essential to stay clear from situations that may create a conflict of interest. The most important responsibilities of our employees are not to use the company resources, name and identity for personel interest and to keep away from the situations that may effect the reputation.

Implementation Fundamentals

  1. Not to be involved in an activity that may create a conflict of interest
  2. Not to misconduct
  3. To use the company resources economically and in favor of company’s interests
  4. Not to be in a personel relationship with those individuals and organisation that the company does business
  5. To take authority from top management for media relations
B. The Policy Of Accepting and Giving Presents

Implementation Fundamentals

It is prohibited for employees to accept valuable or unvaluable gifts that may have any possibility to effect objectivity, performance or desicion making.

But in the calender year, it is approved if the total value of gifts are less than 250 Turkish Liras for each giver.

C. Policy for Protection of Confidential Information

The fundamental instructions for protecting confindential information are itemised below:

Confidential infomation must not be disclosured unless required by public authority and legislations

These information must not be changed, copied nor destroyed.

Secret files must not be taken out of company facilites.

Paswords for accessing to company information must not be shared to unauthorised people.

Confidential issues must not be discussed in public.

Speculations and untrue statements related to individuals and organisations are prohibited.

Personell information such as salary and side benefist that represents the corporate policy are private and considered to be confidential. Therefore, they must not be shared to unauthorised people.

D. The Policy for Building Up and Sustaining a Fair Working Environment

Implementation fundamentals

1. All implementations of the company is carried out in accordance with all related effective legislations.

2. Human resources make sure all the implementations and policies are applied fairly.

3. All sorts of discriminations based on language, skin color, gender, political view, belief, religion, sect, age, phisical disability etc considered intolerable among all employees.

4. It is ensured that those employees who have different belief and views work in harmony.

5. Private lives and spheres of employees are shown respect.

6. The phsycal, sexual and emotional privilages of our all employees are assured.

7. The physcal circumstances of workplace are ensured to be secured, safe and healthy for all our employees.